Another Hobby Blog

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Back home again

The wedding reception we attended in Santa Barbara this past weekend was fabulous. Good food, good company. Many interesting family and friends of the bride and the groom, and the conversation was fun.

Fearing that I would eat too much from the buffet table, I brought some spinning to keep my hands busy. It didn't help. Somehow I came back from the weekend 2.5 pounds heavier despite the evening's dancing. I shudder to imagine what might have been my fate had I not brought along something to do!

Several people asked about the spinning, and a few (mostly children) even tried their hand at it. I was working from a batt I'd carded up recently and was eager to experiment with. The fiber in question has been decreed to be (by popular opinion) from either a Troll doll or a My Little Pony.

I really did try to behave myself, keeping my spinning discreet while the vows were being exchanged, for example, but alas there is photographic evidence nonetheless.


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