Another Hobby Blog

Friday, February 17, 2006

Knitting Olympics: The Swearing Has Begun!

When I joined the Knitting Olympics, I signed up for the Swearing At Lace team. (Well, actually, I didn't sign up for the team, because I didn't realize at the time that there was a team to sign up for! But I did grab a copy of the button.)

I was pretty confident that trying to knit a full-size shawl from questionable handspun in sixteen days would involve at least one bout of swearing. And, actually, the initial cast-on contortions came close, but I think I was concentrating too fiercely to remember to swear.

Then several days of smooth knitting had me wondering if I'd joined the wrong team!

But no.
On Day 6, this happened:

and the swearing was voluminous. I'd knit six rows past the error AND JOINED A NEW BALL OF YARN!! before I'd seen the problem.

The yarn-overs of a full row are IN THE WRONG PLACE! They should be begining their next swoop. Instead, they're stacked directly in line with the ones preceeding them.

I thought about just leaving it there, but it would make the zigs of the lace holes all wonky.

I thought about dropping back for each set individually (for all 26 sets = 52 times), but the one that I tried developed tensioning issues.

I tried to run a lifeline through the purl row beneath the error, but the light-absorption qualities of Martian Lake Cow black made that nigh on impossible and gave me a massive headache.

So I tinked six rows. Six Rows of stitches all taken out one at a tedious time.

The progress so far (as of the recognition of the error, prior to pulling it back):

Day 6's progress* = 8 rows!
*(not including the 14 rows worth of ripping and re-knitting: that's the row itself ripped and reknit plus each of the six rows beyond it.)

The picture shows the shawl folded in half on the needles with the per-day-markers along the center spine.

Looking ahead:
I've done some preliminary math, and believe that I can get another four full leaf repeats before I start the edgings.


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