Another Hobby Blog

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Tuesday Stitchers blog import: revised plan

I didn't have a good portrait available when I made my introduction post. Here I am. I even dress sometimes like a crazy quilt! ;)

What is it that They say? "In for a dime, in for a dollar"? or something like that. I'm all in, now. Well, not ALL in yet, as I am still resisting the siren song of the BJP, but I'm in danger there too, as I might might, MIGHT incorporate that too into my CQJP/TAST revised plan. But maybe I'll be able to forget that I'd have to sign up for it in 4 more days, and then I'd have to figure out how to make it happen all year long. argh.

I'm definitely doing the TAST, and I'm definitely doing the CQJP. My primary focus is going to be on a single CQJP wall hanging:
The decision process was brutal, and if you're interested, you can read more about it on my blog: another-hobby (blogspot).

I have enough fabrics, threads, buttons, and beads to choose from...if I can find them all. I am thinking that the tail wedges will be in a primarily green (with blue, purple, whatever as accents) so that the royal blue body (12th block) will show up. I might try an ombre shift of color outward from the center (green to purple) --have not yet decided for sure.

I have a LOT of print fabrics in my desired color palette, so I may decide to use those. I am completely unafraid of prints:
It is true that stitching and embellishment can get lost on top of a busy busy background like this one, but I am unafraid! I am drawn to the energy of the chaos, and I like the effect of imposing order over chaos:
This is a detail shot of a block I circulated in a round robin recently. The stitchwork shown was done by one of my RR partners, but it serves very nicely as an example of what I mean. I just adore the floral vine stitched over the geometric pattern: I like the way that you sense there is something hidden behind the primary focus. I also like the little line of delicate stitches in the same colorway as the print that it borders. I love the idea of hidden detail and of secret gardens, and I like rewarding viewers for looking closely.

So: my revised CQJP/TAST project: a peacock wall-hanging with wedge-shaped CQ blocks.

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