Another Hobby Blog

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Tuesday Stitchers import: TAST wk 1- Fly stitch and CQJP progress

For my TAST fly stitch exploration, I worked on a CQ fabric postcard:

But far and away the majority of my time this week went into my CQJP planning. I had some nagging concerns about my plan, and I decided that the best way to figure out if and where the concept needed adjustment was by making a small-scale mock-up:

I made the mock-up in my assortment of quilting cottons, and overall it feels like a complete success, so now I get to start on the larger version. I'm going to try making the larger version in silks instead of cottons, and I hope that the modifications I make along the way turn out as fabulous as this quirky little fellow is!
Here's my new fabric palette for the larger version:

I kinda wish I had a wider selection of teals and greens.... but I'm going to go with what I've got and count on the stitching and embellishments to introduce variety of color and texture.

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