Another Hobby Blog

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Network Trouble Today

has made it difficult for me to access the pictures I've got ready to post about or to put up new pictures. I don't think I'll have a chance to get that particular problem fixed until next week some time, so I'll have to make do with text-posts until then. :)

I guess I've got a thousand words to write since I can't put a picture up, hmm?


  • At Sat Aug 26, 02:48:00 AM PDT, Blogger Paula said…

    Thank you soooooo much!!!!
    What a grand suprise.
    You have the best timming.
    I really needed a good cheer today! (LOL, bet you didn't even know it was my birthday time,LOL! ;)
    You are the best!
    I will post later this weekend when I have some more time.
    P.S. I sure hope you are feeling better soon. Knee surgery is so rough, I am sorry you had to go through all that, even though the xray pics look VERY cool!
    Take it easy, let other take care of you.

  • At Mon Aug 28, 04:39:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Peacock: We are happy to read your thousand words. Your spirits are bright! You will be able to toss the crutches real soon. :-)


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