Another Hobby Blog

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Self-Portrait Tuesday: Boxes

It took two full days to get those boxes filled and ready for shipping!

If you are a recipient of one of them, consider yourself very lucky indeed! I ran out of time before I ran out of people I could be sending things to!

Surgery is day after tomorrow.

hugs all...


  • At Wed Aug 16, 04:54:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Peacock: Good are involved in so many exchanges. How do you keep up with it? Your box will be going out next week and it is about the size of what you packed up, so if you got rid of some things and made some room be glad that you did. Hugs, SP8

  • At Wed Aug 16, 05:36:00 PM PDT, Blogger Peacock said…

    Most of those boxes are for friends I made through previous exchanges. Only 3 are active exchanges, I think. 3 of 10. Not bad... at least 7 people I've met in the past year that I really enjoy staying in contact with. :) for the size of the incoming box.. I'm afraid, now.. I'm very afraid! ;)

    yay giftie boxes!

  • At Thu Aug 17, 06:48:00 AM PDT, Blogger Laura said…

    wowsers, they're stacked up! the people that work in the post office must recognise you by now ;) (I know they recognise me in the one near my office!)


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